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Non-Verbal Communication


What is Non-Verbal Communication?

Non-verbal communication is the use of body language, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, and other cues to convey information or emotions without words.

Why is Non-Verbal Communication Important for Children with Autism?

Non-verbal communication is important for children with autism because it can help them understand and express themselves better, as well as build rapport and trust with others. Children with autism may have difficulties with verbal communication, such as using appropriate words, grammar, or tone of voice. They may also have challenges with social skills, such as taking turns, initiating or maintaining conversations, or reading social cues. Non-verbal communication can supplement or enhance verbal communication and provide more clarity and feedback.

How can The Sensory Pathway Center help Children with Autism Improve their Non-Verbal Communication Skills?

The Sensory Pathway Center can help children with autism improve their non-verbal communication skills by providing individualized and evidence-based interventions that target their specific needs and goals. Some of the interventions that The Sensory Pathway Center offers are:

  • Social Skills Training: This involves teaching and practicing social skills in a structured and supportive environment, such as a group or a one-on-one session. Social skills training can help children with autism learn how to use and interpret non-verbal cues, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and body language.
  • Creative Writing
  • Age-appropriate Academic Education
  • College Path Communication
  • Functional Skills – Daily Living Skills
  • Independent typing skills
  • Understand individual learning channels and learning style

How can I Support My Child with Autism in developing their Non-Verbal Communication Skills?

You can support your child or loved one with autism in developing their non-verbal communication skills by:

  • Modeling and reinforcing positive non-verbal communication behaviors, such as smiling, nodding, making eye contact, and using gestures.
  • Providing opportunities for social interaction with other children and adults who can provide appropriate non-verbal feedback and guidance.
  • Using visual aids, such as pictures, symbols, or gestures, to supplement verbal communication and enhance comprehension.
  • Being patient and respectful of your child's or loved one's communication style and preferences.

RPM - how it's helping non-verbal autistic children


All About RPM - Rapid Prompting Method - Part 2 - April 2021