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MNRI Reflex Integration


What is MNRI Reflex Integration?

MNRI (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration) is an approach that focuses on integrating and maturing reflex patterns to improve overall neurological function. MNRI reflex integration therapy aims to address retained or underdeveloped reflexes that may impact children with autism. By stimulating and integrating these reflexes, the therapy aims to enhance sensory processing, motor skills, and overall development.

How does MNRI Reflex Integration Therapy Work?

MNRI reflex integration therapy involves a systematic and individualized approach to activate and integrate reflexes. Trained therapists use specific techniques, movements, and exercises that target the retained reflexes. These activities aim to create neural connections and enhance the coordination between different systems in the body, promoting improved sensory integration and motor control.

What are the Benefits of MNRI Reflex Integration Therapy for Children with Autism?

MNRI reflex integration therapy can have various benefits for children with autism. It aims to improve sensory processing, motor coordination, balance, posture, emotional regulation, social skills, and cognitive abilities. By addressing the underlying reflex patterns, the therapy can help children develop more efficient neurological pathways, leading to improved overall functioning and quality of life.

Is MNRI Reflex Integration Therapy Suitable for Everyone with Autism?

MNRI reflex integration therapy may not be necessary or suitable for every individual with autism. The need for and suitability of this therapy depends on the specific challenges and goals of the individual. A comprehensive evaluation by professionals trained in MNRI reflex integration can help determine whether the therapy is appropriate and beneficial.

How can The Sensory Pathway Center provide MNRI Reflex Integration Support?

The Sensory Pathway Center has therapists trained in the MNRI approach. These therapists can assess the presence of retained reflexes and develop personalized therapy plans. They will utilize specific MNRI techniques and exercises to stimulate the integration of these reflexes, aiming to improve sensory processing, motor skills, and overall neurological function.

Akhil Autism Foundation Podcast, Ep7 with Pamela Curlee

Masgutova MNRI® Introduction

Intro Lecture to MNRI